Friday, October 20, 2006

but i didnt know that we
we could break a silver lining
-tori amos, a sorta fairytale

being sick makes you realise that you just need to sit back and relax sometimes and not let stress get the better of you. why be so hard on yourself if all its going to do is make you feel like you're not doing enough, you're not good enough, you're not doing it right?
gotta learn to somehow translate the stress i put myself under into something more constructive and positive. first time in med i stayed home because i was sick (only other time mightve been in first sem of year 1 where i overslept, in which case i -stayed home- in hall, not really "home".)
well anyway, i've been sleeping a whole lot. in the last 24 hours i've slept about 17 hours. feel a lot better after that though. worth missing sch, even though it was cometoschoolinculturalcostumes-day, since its deepavali and hari raya festive season. shall take a look at the photos later.
in other news, while i was trying to feed scott some of my banana milk, he excitedly jumped onto the table and tipped it, thereby killing a goose. snapped at the neck, but something tells me this goose was glued together at its neck prior to this, so maybe we wont get into that much nagging when i tell the parents (mom, more specifically) later haha.


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