Tuesday, May 03, 2005

day of fun in sentosa! pls refer to kamya's blog for details. AND yes, sadly there was a rather embarrassing incident which involved me misjudging the distance at which to leap into the sea, hence falling flat into the sand, left confused, while andee just leaped in ahead of me, oblivious, and kamya n nizam evilly laughed their heads off. okay i agree, it was hilarious to a large extent.
anyway i've realised that i'm rather prone to injury, but fortunately i'm used to it, so i shan't dwell in the supposed unfairness of life. discovered all sorts of scratches and cuts on my left leg when i got home. highlights of the day, making "baywatch rescue" video clips, playing in the water and slacking in a hammock n on the beach. yeahh.
just invigilated 107 for their mother tongue paper. felt like sharing with them the perspective of a senior who's "been there, done that" but then realised, maybe that'll just spoil the route of discovery for them. a year from now they'll realise that exams in sec1 were not important, what mattered was building those friendships that would carry you on, and understanding the purpose of secondary sch education as simply the foundation of sth much more intense yet less broad, in jc.. i wanted to remind them to appreciate the days of science/humanities for maybe in the near future you'll only be able to choose to focus on one. but then, i didnt want to sound like those seniors who used to tell me "enjoy your jc/sec sch life now, make the most of it!" for i know to them, they can barely begin to comprehend what life would be beyond school. neither do they appreciate the small things in their sch life that they take for granted now, or perhaps even detest. maybe i'm just talking about myself, when i used to be that kid.
just two options i'm left considering, nus med or jhu biomed, with or without scholarship it doesnt matter to me anymore. i no longer kid myself to think that i really want an overseas scholarship, for to be honest i rather not be tied down. it's too large a commitment for me to handle right now. and maybe that's just precisely my problem. in life.
i feel like creating worksheets for my students or "fun facts" about math. show them the wonders of the application of math, then maybe they'd love it more. especially since i have zilch to do after merely 90 minutes of invigilation. andd i've got until 1.40pm.
this may day holiday has mildly messed with my internal clock. i keep thinking today's monday.


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