Tuesday, December 26, 2006

grateful for the things i have, and yet.. i want more. it seems like i will never be satisfied. well, not anytime soon anyway. i disappoint myself all the time, and its like a constant reminder of things that could be..and are not.

be true to yourself. gotta remember, to be true to myself.

happy festive season friendly friends and family, love you people, i really do.

Monday, December 11, 2006

hello december!
so what's new? i've been diagnosed with allergic conjunctivitis. which means, i have to wear specs for a month as i use the eye drop anti-histamine medication, which will hopefully allow me to return to contacts in jan.
going to KL from the 18th-23rd, on a climbing (and maybe shopping?) trip, quite eggciting. next monday, which means i have one more week in singapore before the festive season hits.
not too many goals this december, trying to keep them minimal so that i can accomplish them. and secret too, (:
have a great holiday everyone! january will only come too soon.