Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So, my one week break (post-TTSH) which i was fortunate enough to have, came to an end. I think I had a pretty good break, managing to fit in some of the things I really wanted to do.. like get some exercise and read a bit - read Lighthousekeeping & The Kite-Runner, the latter of which I really enjoyed (a must-read!!!).
So last night I headed to bed pretty early - before 11, knowing that I had an incredibly long journey ahead of me to Woodlands for my GP clinic posting. Originally the plan was to leave at 7.30am, so when I walked out of the house around 7.40am I was honestly quite pleased with myself, figured I may actually reach early after all! But then, everything was against me.. bus frequencies chose to fall more towards the upper limit of their estimated waiting times, and one hour later I was only just getting onto the TPE at tampines on the ($%^&*) #168. Once I hit the TPE however I did get to Woodlands Interchange within 25 minutes, and the switch to the next bus (had loads of choices of buses this time) was swift like a speedy gonzalez. I arrived at 9.10am. 10 minutes late, but earlier than bano 'cos she'd called me at 8.40am to check on progress (but all she heard was massive ranting) and we'd both predicted that I was only going to arrive close to one hour later - I was more pessimistic by this point, certain that I'd only get there in time for lunch. So in that short span of 1.5 hours my mood turned from happyblueskies to plethoricpurple and I imagined myself getting a motorbike license and buying a Vespa/suffering from depression due to torturous journeys to and fro/begging my parents to buy another car.
But once I arrived and was off the bus, things got a lot better. The clinic was pretty fun, and we got to meet our nice and friendly doctor. While we were walking back to bano's for lunch, something I saw made me smile and I think it's safe to say that it did indeed capture the mood of this posting and how it's going to turn out -
the random cat at Woodlands
I think at this point in time it's still pretty safe to say we're going to be chilling :)